Taurine is an essential nutrient for cats to guarantee heart function and vision. As cats cannot produce taurine themselves, it must be fed to them via their food. The GimCat Taurine Paste Extra with the innovative Bioactive Taurine Formula effectively balances taurine deficiencies. The perfect combination of taurine and clam powder improves performance of the eyes and heart. The treats contain a vitamin B complex and calcium, which also helps nerve and heart function and energy metabolism.
Petstages Play toys for cats bring out the wild instincts of your cat while keeping boredom at bay through problem solving opportunities and active play. The floppy shape of this Feather Fish Bone makes it fun to fling and carry while a lightweight shape makes this fish perfect for batting and chasing.
The OrkaKat Wiggle Worm by Petstages is a bright and bouncy cat chew toy made for cats that have an urge to chew. Made from durable food safe rubber with ridges that help massage your kitty’s gums as they chew and bite. This little worm is ideal for little mouths and teething kittens but suitable for cats of all ages. Catnip-infused to keep your curious cat engaged and stimulated for multiple rounds of play!
SAFETY AND CARE: When choosing a toy, make sure to choose the appropriate size for your cat. No toy is indestructible. ALWAYS supervise your cat when using a toy of any kind. Inspect toys regularly for damage and remove if broken, or if parts become separated, as serious injury may result. Intended for cats only. Keep out of reach of children. This item is not recommended for cats that chew heavily.
Helps maintain urinary health in neutered cats that are at increased risk of Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD).Helps maintain a healthy body weight.Helps maintain strong natural defences thanks to antioxidants such as Vitamin E